Southwest Suburbs #1 tae kwon do school

What is tae kwon do?

Tae Kwon Do is a Korean martial art which is popular with people of all ages and of both genders.

Physically, Tae Kwon Do develops strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. More importantly, Tae Kwon Do is known for its ability to develop mental and spiritual disciplines such as focus, concentration, self-esteem, loyalty, compassion, and respect.

Tae Kwon Do incorporates sport, exercise and the art of self defense utilizing kicks, thrown from a mobile stance, as well as blocks, punches and open hand strikes.

What tae kwon do can do?

  • Enhance self-esteem- by heightening your physical and mental powers
  • Build confidence by encouraging you to succeed and take control of your life
  • Develop discipline by thoroughly training your body and mind in the tenets and techniques of Tae Kwon Do
  • Teach self-defense by training you to recognize situations in which physical self-defense may be necessary, and teaching you how to control such situations to your advantage.
  • Strengthen you mind and body through increased physical coordination and mental discipline
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